Our Amazing Team

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Edward Smith


Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci sed quia non numquam modi tempora eius.

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Gary Cavalier

Executive Director

The vision came in 1998. After several frustrating years of trying to figure out how to begin and fulfill the vision it finally started happening; through prayer and listening to the still small voice of God would come the "how to" fulfill that vision. Then that voice again saying, "it is time". In July of 2006 we acquired some property and a building that once served as a church. With some minor changes we were able to open our doors and accept our first resident in May of 2007. In May of 2009 our first class graduated fulfilling a two year commitment and they continue to prosper in the community and in God. We give Him all the glory!!!